I would like to start off by sending my prayers and wishing all a Happy New Year in 2020.
As the New Year is on the horizon, and we prepare to have a blessed year ahead, we should keep in my mind the blessings that we have and, expect in the new year. But at the same time as well, we should not take for granted the blessings that we havre already enjoyed in the year past.
We dont have to look far to see many who have not been able to enjoy basic rights and peace that we may have come to take for granted. Just take a look at Maqbooza Kashmir, also known as Indian Occupied Kashmir, my homeland. The citizens of this land have been stripped of everything, even there basic human rights in a fashion that has been very public and well covered by the international media.
We must ask ourselves why? The reason is because this territory was divided from the whole. Why is it that Kashmiris, living in their rightful land in Pakistan are not suffering this same fate. Why is it that in 2019, they have not suffered from the same fate? It is because they are united as one Pakistan.
As we move forward into 2020, we should expect good and at the same time count our blessings of the past. Standing united is essential in an increasing hostile and divided world where aggressors like India are not flinching from publicly stripping those that it occupies of their basic rights. Lets stand together as one Pakistan in 2020 and speak out for the freedom of Maqbooza Kashmir and stand strong and united so that we may continue to do so. Happy New Year.